Saturday, September 22, 2012

President Captain America

Captain America
In Marvel's The Ultimates #15, which hit stand this week, Captain America is elected the President of America through a land-slide write-in vote.
In an interview with The Washington Post series writer Sam Humphries says "We wanted to dramatize an extreme version of what we see in America today, in the face of all [this] divisiveness, what do we have in common? What does it mean to be an American? What can we agree on? And what makes America the place that it is?"
“This is a United States that’s being torn asunder by special interest groups — by opportunists looking to divide and conquer,” Marvel Entertainment Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso says “This is a metaphor for what goes on in real life, but on steroids.”
“Are we going to see 12 issues of Captain America behind a desk? No, that’s not exciting to anyone,” Humphries says. “Captain America is not going to behave like any other president behaves. He takes the oath of office and barely takes a breath as he goes to hot spots. . . . Cap is out there because he’s so concerned about the state of the Union that he doesn’t have time to think about the State of the Union.”
You can read the full Washington Post article here, read an extended interview with Axel Alonso and Sam Humphries here, and see a preview of the comic here.

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