Friday, September 7, 2012

Superheroes and Healthcare

And now, the superheroes shall comment on the candidates' energy and environmental plans, and give a point for Obama, Romney or Undecided. Again, some of these statements are direct quotes. Try to guess which ones in the comments!

"The fact that most insurance companies spent as much as 40% on CEO salaries and marketing instead of helping people before Obamacare stopped them is not something people want to go back to."
Point for: Obama

"Romney's unabashed desire to not be responsible for helping people by repealing healthcare despite wanting to be president is worrying. His plans to pass as much responsibility as possible onto other parties make me wonder what he thinks being president is all about."
Point for: Obama

"With almost every American getting healthcare soon, maybe we'll have less mad scientists trying to cure themselves on the cheap and end up turning themselves into supervillians. I wonder how many of those there are? I think I'll go ask Batman."
Point for: Obama

"Given that almost half of Americans didn't have health insurance before Obamacare was passed, that's a lot of people's lives that could be ruined from one small accident if they can't pay for it."
Point for: Obama

"I can't believe Romney says that leaving all the decisions to the to the patient will make things better. You should leave things to the experts. If an expert tells you to stop doing one thing and start doing another and it will save your life, you listen to them. Make sick people without any medical training determine what medical treatments need to be done sounds like someone trying to make it so sick people can be taken advantage of."
Point for: Obama

"When a politician with a business background like Romney says they want to "level the playing field for competition", they usually mean they want to level the competition for their friends."
Point for: Obama

"Having a limit of how much help you can provide someone in their lifetime is just evil. I didn't know these lifetime caps existed before this, but I'm glad that the first time I've heard about them is followed by 'and Obama has banned them from existing'."
Point for: Obama

"Speaking from experience, if more people were willing to help one another when they're hurt, we'd have a lot less villains out there. That's why I like this new healthcare idea."
Point for: Obama

"I've been so happy with the improvements Obama has made to Medicare, and closing the Medicare doughnut hole is going to help so many people."
Point for: Obama

"If somebody gets hurt, ya gotta help them. We've all gotta stick together, help one another out, not be try to pretend it's someone else's problem."
Point for: Obama
Mr. Incredible
"It's about time we had some accountability and transparency in the insurance industry. A lot of the people in charge at these companies aren't any better muggers."
Point for: Obama

"The Church of Latter-Day Saints advises against legally or ethically questionable medical practices, and advises members to consult competent medical professionals. Seeing as Obama is enforcing more stringent regulations to prevent the chances citizens from being caught in the former and trying to make it easier for most citizens to be able to do the latter, while Romney clearly wants to do the opposite. I am beginning to question Romney's devotion to our faith, given how much he's been going against the Church."
Point for: Obama

"Mitt Romney's desire to return pre-existing conditions barriers to healthcare and deny life saving treatments to anyone is down right criminal."
Point for: Obama

"Romney's about face on healthcare from when he was governor just makes it sound like he's annoyed that the Democrats though it was a good idea, or that other Republicans didn't. If Romney is that petty or that easy to sway, I don't think he'll be a good president."
Point for: Obama

Linda Park-West
"Given the rising number of children born with "Pre-Existing Conditions", is good to see Obama removing that nasty exploitation from insurance companies bag of tricks."
Point for: Obama

The Savage Dragon
"I'll support anything that helps save lives and reduce the burden on the average citizen, which is exactly what healthcare is going to do."
Point for: Obama

"The Republican stance on controlling or denying every aspect women's healthcare is deeply disturbing and archaic, and the fact that Ryan has been at the forefront of all that means it's only going to get worse if he gets elected."
Point for: Obama

"If competition in healthcare was suppose to improve efficiency and effectiveness as Romney suggests, then why did America have one of the most expensive and least effective healthcare systems in the world before Obama?"
Point for: Obama.

"I can tell you the money people will be saving from healthcare will go along way to helping."
Point for: Obama

"Since the days of the first settlers, Americans have helped each other when sickness and trouble came. Today, we help through taxes and contributions, to support health and welfare services in our communities, so that anyone, rich or poor, can have them at any time."
Point for: Obama


Issue Obama/Biden Undecided Romney/Ryan
Energy & Environment

Well, it's a clean sweep for Obama this week. I'm a little surprised about that honestly. But do any of you fine readers agree with that? If you think any of the heroes have been misrepresented, let me know in the comments!
Tomorrow I'll have a little blip I found in the course of writing this that I think you'll all find interesting, and on Monday I'll be looking at Conservatism in Superhero Ideologies.

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